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Afternoons with Bekah

3 Truths for the Class of 2022

Posted 3 years ago - Jun 2, 2022

From: Bekah
There's something about graduation season that makes me nostalgic. While you couldn't pay me enough money to go back to high school, there are definitely a few things that I wish I knew back then:

1. You're not too young

As you enter the next stage of your life, there will be people who will count your youth against you. Whether it's upperclassmen talking down to freshmen in college, or coworkers at your first real job throwing a fit when they hear your birth year, don't let it get to you. First, treasure these reactions. Because without warning, they go away, and you're left realizing you kinda miss the days of people being upset that you are in your 20s. Second, you are NEVER too young to start a movement or to change the world. I am amazed every day that Katy Nichole who sings "In Jesus Name" is "only" 21. She speaks and sings with such maturity that I certainly didn't have when I was her age. I'm not sure I have it now. Being young does not make you unimportant. And it certainly shouldn't stop you from living boldly. 
"Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity." -1 Timothy 4:12

2. You're not too lost

A recent poll found that over 1/3 of graduates from both high school and college had NO idea what they were going to do next. I'm going to tell you what your guidance counselor won't: THAT'S OK! While you are certainly not too young to make an impact on the world, you are also not expected to have it all figured out at 18 or 22. Take the odd jobs. Pursue your passions. Make (reasonable) mistakes. You can't build who you are without experience, and as much as we hate it sometimes, failure is experience. 

3. You're not too late

It can be hard when you look around on graduation day and see so many classmates with their dream jobs lined up or letters of recommendation from the most prestigious people they know. I felt this at my college graduation. I had technically been done with school for 6 months and still didn't have a job in radio. I was depressed and felt like a failure. But the job came. It was only part time at first, but it grew into what's now my dream job. And If I had rushed the process, I might've missed out on it altogether.  Don't get discouraged. God has a plan for your life. It may not be on the timeline you want, but take it from someone who learned the hard way: it will be on the best possible timeline. He is going to give you what you need exactly when you need it.    So hats off, eat lots of cake, and change the world! I'm so excited for you!!    

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