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Faith & Life

5 Reasons You Aren't Studying Your Bible... and 1 Reason You Really Should

Posted 10 years ago - May 28, 2015

From: WAY-FM

1. You don't have a Bible.

WAY-FM has you covered. If you can’t afford a Bible, WAY-FM and Tyndale want to provide a WAY New Testament to you. Visit our Bible page to get yours today!

2. You think reading the Bible is the same as studying the Bible.

The Bible was written to people who lived in a different time and place than we do today. Studying means looking at the context and connecting passages. Sometimes it means just stopping to really focus on what is being said. It doesn’t have to take a long time, but it does take some thought.

3. You don't have the time.

People make time for their priorities. Schedule time to study the Bible. Don’t assume it will just happen. Set that time aside and create an alarm on your phone.

4. You think studying the Bible should be left up to professionals (like your pastor!)

The Bible was designed to be easy to understand, written to people who weren’t always well educated. While your pastor or favorite theologians may be fantastic at illuminating scripture, God’s Word was meant to be experienced on a personal level.

5. You don't know where to start.

Start by reading the Bible. Right down questions you have, words you don’t understand or seem important, verses that might be connected and then look for answers. You can buy commentaries on specific books of the Bible or do a little internet research. Plus, you can join the World’s Biggest Small Group and join with WAY-FM as we study the Bible this coming Fall of 2015!

And the reason you should?

As Christians we serve a big, amazing God who wants to have a relationship with His creation. When you study God’s Word, it gives you the tools to really get to know this God. So jump into God’s Word today. Originally published in the WAY Magazine. Fill out the form below to get  more articles like this one sent right to your inbox!  (Image by Ryk Neethling) [wufoo username="wayfm" formhash="q1g00so40cy524r" autoresize="true" height="563" header="show" ssl="true"]

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