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Find Out If Your Words Are This Powerful

Posted 10 years ago - Jan 20, 2015

From: WAY-FM
Natalie At 10 years old, Nathalie carries herself with confidence and intelligence. She was the girl who knew all the steps in her dance group, was chosen to speak in public about the progress of her class, and could intrigue you with one look of those dark eyes. You can tell she's a special kid. Her story? Well... She shares a tiny home with nine family members. Her father was killed in a cross-fire between two rival gangs. Her grandmother (and primary care-taker) currently battles cancer. Her town and family is stricken by some of the most devastating poverty in Honduras. Home Visits_29 So, how is Nathalie managing to thrive in these circumstances when other kids are not? Let us tell you about her most prized possession. She ran all the way home to bring it back and show us - letters from her sponsor. Natalie_5 She presented those letters with so much pride and care while explaining how thankful she is for her sponsor's words. Her sponsor told Nathalie she loved her and prayed for her often. In fact, Nathalie told us her sponsor was actually visiting Honduras on business when she learned Nathalie didn't have a sponsor. This woman said, "Well, I'll sponsor her!' and a beautiful relationship has been growing ever since.
"Kind words are like honey—     sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." - Proverbs 16:24 (NLT)
Natalie_22 Where would Nathalie be without these letters? Through Compassion, in the name of Jesus, Natalie knows she is loved, important, she knows who Jesus is, and can do whatever she sets her mind to do with His help. Poverty is no longer hiding her ability to dream and accomplish beautiful things. That's the power of words.
"The tongue can bring death or life;" - Proverbs 18:21
  Do you realize the power of every word you say? Why would we use our words to tear someone down to death when we could make such an impact with words that bring life? So, to answer your question: YES. Your words are this powerful. Whether you sponsor a child through Compassion or not, use them well. And write a letter to your Compassion child today - it means the world the them. Really. We dare you to care. Click below to learn more. Hondurus Compassion medium banner

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