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Faith & Life

How to Use the Internet to Share the Love of Jesus

Posted 10 years ago - Jun 22, 2015

From: WAY-FM
Internet Hope A young man came online searching for help. He was so overwhelmed by his parents fighting he was looking for ways to help their marriage and his family, even though he was only 13. He was reluctant to click the “Chat Now” button, but he mustered the courage and began a conversation. He said that within 5 minutes he felt cared for. A few minutes later and he was asking questions about faith and the Bible. This is why I love Internet ministry and being a part of Groundwire. He might not have had the courage to walk into a church and ask for help, but he reached out online and that triggered transformation, not only in him, but in his entire family. That day, he placed his trust in Jesus...but that isn’t the end of the story. Two days later he found out that one of his lacrosse teammates was a Christian. He ended up going to church (for the first time) and two weeks later he got baptized. Although his parents had never been to church, they came to be a part of his big day. He had never seen his dad cry until that day. That was a turning point for his entire family. His mom and dad, brother and sister have not missed church since and on June 14th, they all got baptized as well. To top it off, his dad sat the family down and apologized for fighting with his mom. He said, “from now on, this house is going to be dedicated to Jesus.” This family is forever changed because one boy found a friend online who introduced him to Jesus. I am completely amazed each time a "chatter" tells me or one of the other coaches that she has no one to talk to about the most painful and destructive issues in her life. She doesn’t feel safe at home. She isn’t connected to a church, and she doesn’t trust her friends. [tweetthis]The Internet offers an opportunity to be the hands & feet of Jesus to people who are searching for connection & help.[/tweetthis] There are so many people out there that feel completely isolated and alone. They feel lost in the crowd and forgotten in this world. They are in desperate need of answers, encouragement, and hope, but their perception is that no one wants to help them. That is one of the reasons I love being an online coach. The Internet offers an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to people who are searching for connection and help. I have the opportunity to speak hope into their hopelessness. And, I have the opportunity to introduce them to Jesus. Visit If you would like more information on joining our international team of Internet Coaches that are impacting young lives. [ts_fab authorid="129" tabs="bio,twitter,latest_posts"] (Photo by jessiejacobson)

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