3 Easy Prayers Every Father Should Pray
Posted 8 years ago - Sep 27, 2016
From: CJ & Joy[caption id="attachment_62857" align="alignleft" width="300"]
D and his "Big Boy Cup"[/caption]
Today I learned the simple truth that your children see EVERYTHING! Even as young as my 6 month old son Dominic is, he is already pitching a fit if he doesn't get to drink out of the same cups he sees his mom and me using. Just check the photo over there. He has to have his cup too or he's just not happy with life for a few moments. As I laughed to my wife about his "big boy cup" it hit me how my son is already learning to mimic my actions.
Seasoned Veteran Parents know this already, but as a new parent I am learning how kids copy what they see. But what struck me is that the truth to that statement often stops there. Parents will give you the warning saying things like "Hey, so be careful, your kids will copy what they see you do" but then what? Do I just try to be careful and that's it? Because if that's it, then I am screwed because I am a screw up. So on my drive to work today I came up with 3 simple prayers I am going to try and pray over MYSELF every day I can remember.
These are my prayers:
Lord, help me show my son how I love you. You tell us to love you first, with all of our heart, soul and mind. Help me do that. In moments when my faith grows weak, give me strength. In moments when my mind strays, bring me back. In moments when my heart is broken, bring me healing. Help my son see in me how to strive to love you first, even when life gets hard.
Lord, help me show my son how I love my wife. You've outlined for us what love looks like, help me to walk in that daily. Help me to be patient and kind when my frustration may kick in. Help me not be arrogant, as I can be at times. Help me remember that love protects, trusts, perseveres and most importantly NEVER FAILS. So help me God, to choose to love my wife in this way every day. Help my son see in me how I strive to love my wife as you've called men to.
Lord, help me show my son how I love others. You tell us to help the orphans and widows, the least of these. Help my eyes to be opened to see people the way you do. Help my heart to be broken to the things that break your heart. Help my mind to not worry about what may happen next, but as you lead my heart may my feet simply follow. Help me son see in me how I love people as you've called me to.