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This Adorable Story Shows What YOU Made Possible!

Posted 7 years ago - Aug 13, 2018

From: CJ & Joy
You don't even know how much of an impact you made, but you're about to! This story will stick with me forever. During Spring Support Drive, WAY-FM listeners provided 6,051 pairs of shoes for kids in poverty through Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls and...

I got to be the one to actually put them on kids' feet!

[fluidvideo url="https://www.youtube.com/embed/U-X3gqMF6nI"]   Most of the kids were pretty shy, BUT this one kid comes, he sits down right in front of me. His name is Juan. Juan turns the translator and says, "Tell him that when he puts these shoes on my feet, I'm gonna be super fast!" I love this kid! So, I go back and say, "You tell him, will he be faster than me?" He comes back and says, "He knows he'll be faster than you!" So I  said, "Well, you tell him when these shoes go on, we're gonna race!" The whole time, I'm washing his feet and I notice the shoes that I'm taking off of his feet. They were wrecked. They were terrible. I think they were too small, they were splitting, and they were dirty. The idea that just the simple fact of a new pair of shoes could bring this kid to life and give him so much confidence - it's just shoes! Something so simple, right? So, I finished and we get up and we race... and I lost. (haha) But it was GREAT! I challenged him and said, "Show me how high you can jump!" And he's just jumping! He's just brimming with confidence.

All because of this new pair of shoes.

All because of your generosity during WAY-FM's Spring Support Drive. These shoes give kids confidence, but even more than that, theses families start a relationship with Buckner and their local church. This is opening a door for even more life-changing ministry for these kids and their families. It's truly incredible! We can't say thank you enough! - CJ

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