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Hilarious Turkey Day Cooking Disasters You Can Now Avoid

Posted 3 years ago - Nov 17, 2021

From: CJ & Joy
Thanksgiving is the holiday surrounding food! If you are not an experienced cook, things can go bad so quickly! My mom once used too small of a pan for our turkey causing the juices to overflow into the oven and starting a fire in our tiny WV home! (YIKES!) Check out these hilarious stories that people like you shared that will help you know what at avoid in the kitchen this thanksgiving!  
"One time I put sweet and condensed milk in macaroni and cheese instead of evaporated milk." 🙃- Alli
"My mom and I made two very beautiful pecan pies. We served it to everyone, and about the time we were about to bite into ours we heard a unanimous “DON’T EAT THAT!”.Turns out we had used 2 TBSP of salt in each pie instead of the 2 tsp actually listed in the recipe." 😂🙈 - Kimberly
"My first thanksgiving i cooked the turkey through the night because thats what I always heard growing up. Well, at like 3 in the morning my turkey was smelling delicious and it was completely done! And dinner wasn't till like 1 that evening!"- Samantha
 "My 1st time cooking a turkey I left all the innards that you're suppose to remove in and cooked it." 🤢🤢🤢 - Veronica 
We had Friendgiving on Saturday. My husband smoked 2 turkeys. I dropped the pan of dark meat all over my kitchen floor. My dogs and cat were very happy.- Kimberly
"Once when baking homemade bread I forgot to turn the oven from preheat to bake (yes it was an old stove) and the outside of the bread was beautiful but the inside was a dough ball of a mess." - Anita 
"I closed the oven door with the broiler on and the marshmallows on the sweet potato casserole caught fire!" - Laura

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