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How Do You Talk to Your Kids About the Coronavirus?

Posted 5 years ago - Apr 13, 2020

From: CJ & Joy
No one prepared you for parenting in a global pandemic! Your kids are out of school and probably asking questions like, "Why am I not allowed to go play with my friends?" and "Why can I not go to school and see my teachers?" Your first instinct may be to simply tell your kids that everything is going to be ok, but that may not be the right move. Dr. Josh and Christi Straub are experts on walking your kids through difficult seasons and in creating a safe environment in your home. As author's of the children's book, "What Am I Feeling," they share helpful tips on how to talk to your kids about this crisis in a helpful way. *This video was filmed prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus and the social distancing order. Scroll down to see our latest conversation with Josh and Christi while in quarantine.* [fluidvideo url="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UN0X3LDEnO0"] What to do when your child comes to you with questions about this crisis:
  1. Sit and Listen

    • Hear their questions and feelings about what they have heard or seen. By listening first you will only address what their mind is already pondering and not open a can of worms or worries they were never even thinking about. Our tendency is to speak first, but get them talking so you can understand first.
  2. Seek to Understand

    • Ask yourself what your child is thinking about when they are alone in their bed right before they fall asleep. Your goal is to fully understand why have the questions they do and discover the root of their concern.
  3. Guide the Conversation to a Place of Love

    • Point out the heroes in the story. Who rushed in to help? What stories of bravery have emerged? Leave your child with some positive nudges of who responded positively in the situation in hopes that they will ponder how to be like one of those people someday.
For advice on how to talk to your TEENAGER about this crisis in the news jump to the 7 minute mark.

We caught up with Josh and Christi now that they are quarantined with their children and got specific answers on how to address your kid's questions that come along with a global pandemic.

[fluidvideo url="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LlYVwxQUBY4"]  

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