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How to Reignite Thankfulness for Everyday Things

Posted 9 years ago - Sep 30, 2015

From: CJ & Joy
French Fries. When is the last time that you were thankful for French Fries? I have probably never been thankful for them, but a letter from my Compassion child, Sury, made me look at French Fries in a new light. How to be Thankful CompassionFrench fries are Sury's new favorite thing! Sury's latest letter shared that the leaders at her Compassion project took all the of the children to a water park for the VERY FIRST TIME. Sury got to experience playing in clean water for the first time. She was able to squeal with delight as she experienced her first water slide. She got to splash around with her friends and not worry about getting sick from the water. She was able to eat her very first French Fry! We are so spoiled to live in a place flowing with french fries and water parks. Do you remember the first time you experienced something new and joy filled your spirit? In those moments, we are immediately thankful, but something happens as we get calloused and used to our french fry-filled-life. We start to feel like we deserve these blessing, in fact we slowly stop seeing them as blessing at all.Compassion Sury Sury's world looks so different than my own that I have to intentionally try to remember what life looks like for her. Sury and her family are so thankful for Compassion and how is is giving them hope to break the chains of poverty that tie them down and tell them that they do not matter. But as Sury grows and experiences things for the first time, she is teaching me how thankful I should be. There are tiny blessings tucked into each of our days in the form of clean water, beds to sleep in, family to hold tight, and even french fries to enjoy! Let's not allow our calloused hearts to be ungrateful for these tiny blessings. Let's look at the world the way that Sury looked at that very first French Fry! [ts_fab authorid="40" tabs="bio,twitter,latest_posts"]

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