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Middays with Joy


Posted 11 years ago - Aug 13, 2014

From: CJ & Joy
Screen Shot 2014-08-13 at 1.21.50 PMI think it was Jon Acuff who coined the acronym P.R.T. or Pray Right Then...I might be wrong but I think it was him. Either way, this is something that God has been putting on my heart a lot lately...to stop and pray right then versus thinking I'll just get to it later. I like to think that I lead such a busy life and maybe compared to some I do, but even in my "busy" I find plenty of time to catch up on Facebook or check Twitter or play on my ESPN app. I FIND THE TIME. Yet with God more often than not its, "Yeah I'll pray about that LATER" because right now I don't really have the time. Truth is, if I can make time for Facebook or Twitter, then I can make time for a quick prayer. What stops me? What makes me not want to MAKE the time?
1. Location. I feel like right then and there is the middle of whatever isnt going to work or be the holiest of place. So I bail. 2. My personal state with God. I may not be feeling like I can go before God or that I am not in the most holy of heart conditions. So I pass. 3. I don't really want to. But as Christians we have been trained to say, "I'll pray for you" as a way to end that convo and give a little pick me up or maybe I think I should, but I really wont or just don't. So it gets forgotten.
There are so many things that get in the way and separate us from God, so before any of those triggers get in my way I am learning to just STOP and PRAY RIGHT THEN. In the moment. You don't need to be in some holy moment of worship or church to talk to God. You don't need some long drawn out "holier than thou" prayer with God to just check in with Him and share your heart. You don't need to be perfect first or say the perfect words or have a perfect heart or any of that...you just need to open your mouth and TALK.TO.GOD. This has been my lesson lately. To learn to be in constant conversation with God. Thanking Him for His goodness and mercies and blessings in my life. Laying my life down before Him with my struggles and frustrations. Laying my petitions down at His feet and saying, "Lord, here, help me". God doesn't need a perfect prayer from perfect people. He just needs us to be willing to take the time and talk to Him. -Carlos

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