The One Question About God That I Cannot Answer
Posted 10 years ago - Jan 16, 2015
From: CJ & JoyShe started to tear up as she said, "He was murdered."
We were gathered in the front of Catalina's small home surrounding by an old fence with barbed wire on the top. Just one more example of the dangerous community that Catalina and her family live in.
Catalina is a grandmother who solely cares for her four grandchildren. Their mother left them when they were young and Catalina's was sharing that her son was murdered a few years ago.
He was a taxi driver and was driving his passenger to a destination when his car was ambushed. Apparently one of the local gangs had planned to kill his passenger and Catalina's son lost his life as well. He was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Sadly, these kind of tragic events happen too often for the people of Honduras. It is the most dangerous country in the world.
Catalina now lives with her other son, his wife, and their three children.
Imagine, ten people in ONE home that all need to be supported by ONE small salary. This would be difficult in the states, but impossible in Honduras and yet this is Catalina's reality.
To make matters worse, Catalina has ovarian cancer and has already had several surgeries. She recently found out that she has diabetes as well. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she asked us to pray for her health and for healing. She does not want her grandchildren to lose her too.
Why? Why is this Catalin's reality and not mine?
How is it that I was born into a middle class, Christian family? Why was I born in a country where I am easily safe and given every opportunity to succeed while Catalina and her grandchildren struggle to survive every day?
This is my one question about God that I cannot answer.
Why does God allow some of us to be born into easy circumstances and others into danger and poverty?
I still do not have an answer to this question and it brought me to tears today. I know that I am not loved more than Catalina and her family, so why does life have to be so hard for them?
There is so much that I do not understand about God and his plan, but I do believe his word when it says in Proverbs 3:5-6,
I realize that in my own understanding, God's ways do not and will not always makes sense. I am trying to submit to Him and learn to trust Him still.
Hearing Catalina's story was heartbreaking, but we are happy to know that their family is a part of the Compassion program. The Compassion workers have brought a glimmer of hope and comfort to this family in Jesus' name. Three of Catalina's four grandchildren have sponsors through the program!
Natalie is 11 years old and her sponsor has been praying for her and helping her deal with her father's death. She was so proud of the letters that her sponsor sent that she wanted to show them off!
All four of Catalina's grandchildren are currently in
school which is a miracle given their economic difficulties. Compassion supplies them with school supplies and clothing that the family would never be able to afford otherwise. Compassion even gives them rations of food so they do not go hungry.
Moments like this one with Catalina's family, reveal even more that I do not understand God's "WHY" behind their poverty but I do understand the "WHAT" that we are called to do. God is providing for and reaching out to Catalina and her family through Compassion International.
As I prayed for her family, I was reminded that I cannot do everything to change their situation, but I can support Compassion as they take care of this family and do life with them day in and day out in Jesus' name!
- Joy
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Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight