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Working From Home is Hard, But These 5 Tips Can Make it Better

Posted 5 years ago - Mar 24, 2020

From: CJ & Joy
Joy here and during this crazy coronavirus season, I am working from home as a precaution since I am pregnant and baby is coming soon! You might suddenly find yourself working from home too. Some personalities handle being at home all day better than others. If it is tough for you like it is for me, here are the tips that are getting me through!
  1. Get physically ready for the day as if you were going into the office.

One of the biggest challenges for me is getting in the same work mindset at home that you get into when you walk into your office. The key to getting into "work mode" is getting a shower, putting on work clothes, and getting fully ready as if I was going into an important work meeting. It's tough some mornings when my pjs would clearly be more comfortable all day, but once I put on a dab of lipstick I feel prepared and ready to dig into work.
  • Make a designated work space.

If working on the couch makes you feel too tired or relaxed then pick a spot that feels a little more formal. I am currently doing my radio show from my bedroom so I set up a desk and only sit there while I am working. Having a specified space helps your mindset to get into a new gear to focus on work even at home. If you are currently home with your family, finding a quiet or private spot would be helpful.
  • Have designated work hours and stick to them.

I cannot be the only one who has woken up during this season and simply grabbed my laptop and started working in my pjs. Just because you can work from sun up to sun down and any random hours in between does not mean you should. Normal hours will help give you a work/life balance even during this crazy time. Pick a start and end time for your work and do your best to stick to it. There have also been days when it has been hard to even start working with Netflix calling my name. Knowing I am starting work at a precise time keeps me disciplined.
  • Use social apps like Marco Polo to have keep up with friends and the water cooler talk you are missing.

Work is so much more than just a to do list. If you are missing your coworkers or social interaction then set aside time to do a Facetime call or download a social app like Marco Polo. Have a question for a coworker? Do a video chat instead of an email. Doing a radio show from home is made easier by doing a zoom call every day with my fellow host CJ and that social interaction gets me through.
  • Get some exercise in every day.

The first few days that I worked from home, I noticed I wasn't sleeping well and my body was aching. It was simply because I wasn't moving enough each day. Whether it's going for a run, walking up and down the block between meetings, or turning on an exercise video you've got to keep moving to keep your mind and body active, if you need some gear to start working out, we recommend to check the Altitude Sports online store. Making prenatal stretching a regular part of my daily routine has helped me so much to focus and feel good when I sit down to work. What things have helped you to be successful while working from home?  

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