There’s a feeling you get when you hear your favorite song. Maybe it causes you to tap your toe or the steering wheel. Maybe it causes you to sing out loud or you start to cry. Maybe it leads you to worship or reminds you that God is with you.
Music draws emotion. And the amazing thing is, you can feel that emotion even when you don’t know the words.
I can only make out a word or two of what is being sung here in Dominican Republic (Sorry, Mrs. Hunt. I should’ve actually paid attention in Spanish class.) but I can feel everything they’re singing about.
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We heard these beautiful voices during our time at Los Misioneros Student Center in Villa Juana, Santo Domingo. The kids at the Compassion Project sang with such joy. We recognized a few melodies and sang along has much as we could but in that moment the language barrier didn’t matter. I knew that they weren’t just singing because their parents or the director told them to. They were singing because it was worship and it brought them joy.
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The testimony from this little girl nearly wrecked me. This is Elisa. She had an injury that caused a nail to go into her eye. The doctors told her mother that it would be a miracle if she ever saw out of that eye again. Well, a miracle happened and this song brings her to tears because it comforted her during that time. She is singing, "In the middle of the storm, I am not alone..."
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If you don’t feel their happiness when you see the kids of Shalom Student Center in Gualey sing, check your pulse… because you might be dead. These kids and their teachers love to sing and dance and it obviously makes the happy.[tweetthis]
Worship led to joy.
A song brought comfort.
Music and dance makes them happy.
Yet, if Compassion weren’t in their community, none of these things might have been felt… because all of these kids live in extreme poverty.
As you listen to your favorite song today on WAY-FM, know that in Dominican Republic, they are singing too. And the same emotions that you feel when that song comes on… are being felt here because Compassion is loving these families in the name of Jesus.