Hillary Scott's Beautiful Music Video to "Thy Will" is Full of Truth
Posted 9 years ago - Jul 29, 2016
From: WAY-FMThe song "Thy Will" by Hillary Scott has hit home for a lot of people. It comes from a time when Hillary tragically when through a miscarriage. At the end of the day, she found herself only able to pray, "Thy will be done." And through that prayer, she discovered beautiful truth!
[fluidvideo url="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Dp4WC_YZAuw"]
Hillary says, "Having things that go on in your life you think are going to be really awesome and then all of a sudden, it feels like the carpet is ripped out from under you... I've prayed about something in my life and felt like God had answered that prayer and then the way in which it was answered looked a lot differently than I thought it would... I was questioning and confused, and all the while knowing though that ultimately... His will is what's best.
It was all around those verses in Matthew - the Lord's prayer and how these verses kept coming up. I would go and try to pray about this specific thing that happened and all I could pray was "Thy will be done." And that's what the song says and it's exactly what I was going through...
[tweetthis twitter_handles="@HillaryScottLA, @wayfmradio"]Thy will is what's best. I'm holding onto these words and this truth.[/tweetthis]
I looked in the translation of The Message and where it says "Thy will be done," it translates to "Do what's best...." It was such an epiphany of like, "Ok, your will is what's best. Even when I don't understand, even when I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, I'm holding onto these words and this truth."
Hear the full interview with Hillary Scott here.
Hillary Scott's full album Love Remains is out now!