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Should Christian Radio be a “Set It and Forget It” Safe Place?

Posted 9 years ago - Mar 29, 2016

From: Wally
Photo by sskumars11 I am sure you have heard Christian radio stations who have slogans like, “safe for the whole family” or “safe for the little ears,” but is safety truly what we should aspire to as a ministry? This comment was posed by someone after hearing our Hot Mess segment with our Biblical counselor, John Murphy from Rock House Center who was helping a woman whose marriage was being destroyed by pornography.


I've really enjoyed the morning show for months now, but I now fear you've lost a GIANT listening audience. While the pornography segment was well done, having it at a time when thousands are driving their kids to school pretty much guarantees a change of station. Even aside from not kid appropriate, such a serious topic is the absolute worst thing for that early in the morning. I'm positive I'm not the only one feeling this way. Most want to be entertained on the way to work. Please move the hot mess segment to mid-day or late evening.
I get what Trent was saying, but we differ a bit on the whole issue of safety. This was our response:


Hey Trent- I appreciate the fact that you said we handled it well. I do understand that this is a touchy subject, that's why I gave the disclaimer and why it isn't the kind of thing we do all the time. You mentioned losing people that listen. We've actually had other people reach out and tell us this is just what they needed today. So this illustrates what I say about the show. It's not for everybody, but it is for somebody every day. I'd hate to lose you over one break because who knows--the next tough subject might be something you need to hear. Thanks for your thoughts.


No worries. I'm not going away. I've just been trying to get my wife to listen for a while now, and this morning she finally did...with our 7yr old in the car. I hate to say it, but she may not risk it a 2nd time. You're very right though...there's always two sides of the coin, and I'm sure many needed to and were thankful to hear the segment. So thanks for that reminder. I do admit I'm a little bummed it's no longer a "set and forget" type of station when kids are around...especially if you tune in post-disclaimer in the meat of the topic. I do appreciate what you guys do, and overall I love the show!
I fully understand where Trent is coming from, and I hope I am not coming off as petty or argumentative. I think Trent’s perception of this being a place to “set and forget” is worth discussing. Because we have an adult conversation does that make this a place that is not safe for kids? I don’t think so at all. I believe the nuance with which a subject is handled is vital. For instance, with our example today, there was nothing graphic shared. The only word that could be objected to was simply the word "pornography," which was only used three times. Not being afraid to tackle tough content with tact allowed the woman with whom we spoke to receive help and hope for her marriage. This conversation also helped bring comfort to another woman on Facebook:
This very issue occurred in my marriage. He chose porn over marriage and family. I have received five years of counseling to reclaim myself from the destruction of this issue. Thank you for addressing something so timely!
I like that we can have a show that is not aimed at kids, but is capable of doing adult ministry well, in an environment where kids are present. I prefer honesty and reality over safety. If we can help parents grow in their relationship with God, strengthen their marriages, or even find God for the first time (all of which happen here), that does more to benefit kids than any amount of protection from reality we can try to offer. [tweetthis]Growing closer to God & strengthening your marriage benefits your kids more than protecting them from reality.[/tweetthis] Photo by sskumars11

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Wally is a radio host and social media content creator who's been doing this for over 30 years! “I love to make people laugh with me, but I am self-aware enough to know that most of the time is at me."
