Everything in the world is different because of COVID-19, and that includes Easter. While it's a bummer that we can't meet in person to celebrate,
here's why I think we'll look back on this Easter as one of our favorites:
1. Online Church
While I realize that online church is not the same as gathering, we're in a really unique position this year. It's now easier than ever to invite a friend to church, and
you never know how many more people will hear about Jesus because of this pandemic.
If you're not sure where to watch church online, select your city here. From there, you'll find a list of times that your local churches are live-streaming.
2. Community
While Jesus is absolutely the most important part of Easter, the Easter bunny and Easter eggs are included in a lot of celebrations.
Because Easter is so different this year, we have new ways to celebrate the holiday with our neighbors.
In our neighborhood, we're doing a CDC-approved Easter egg hunt. Each household will be coloring eggs and then placing them in their windows for kids to spot over the weekend.
Even though we can't get closer than 6 feet, we can definitely find new ways to share hope with our neighbors as we celebrate "together."
3. Memories
It hasn't been easy to stay optimistic during this time.
But even in the hard times, there are happy memories that are being made.
Is there something you're doing for Easter this year that you could turn into a tradition? Maybe it's thanking God for toilet paper or making Easter dinner together as a family. Or maybe, it's as simple as documenting what Easter looks like this year to look back on in years to come.
4. Fashion

This is my Easter dress this year. I think the fashion speaks for itself.
5. Story
All of us are looking for a little bit of hope right now. You can help spread it by sharing your story with the hashtag
#JesusChangedMyLife. For more instructions, click