E-MESS: Even if the healing doesn't come
Posted 12 years ago - Feb 26, 2013
From: WallyWally, What do you think about the song, “Even If the Healing Doesn’t Come”. I understand the premise behind it, but cringe everytime it comes on. As a person who has had a long standing battle with arthritis throughout the majority of my 30’s brought on by the Epstein Bar Virus, I know what it is to continually deal with long term issues and are “waiting” on God to heal you. But I feel like that it really makes our God look weak and that He doesn’t want to heal you. I don’t believe it. I believe in a God that continually wants to pour his love, healing, compassion upon us! A Father who is ever looking to bless us! If we think about how much we want to give our own children and we do not even come close to his love and blessings. I know this is an area of breakthrough I will see soon. I also know that I have been called to a healing ministry, like a young Smith Wigglesworth (great story there). I will continue to worship my God and walk in his love and know his power in my life. He is not a weak God! God will heal someone who doesn’t even believe in Him. Why would he not want to heal me, a daughter. I just feel that it paints a bad picture.
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Wally is a radio host and social media content creator who's been doing this for over 30 years! “I love to make people laugh with me, but I am self-aware enough to know that most of the time is at me."