How Do You Forgive What You Can't Forget?
Posted 4 years ago - Dec 30, 2020
From: WallyLysa Terkeurst is a NY Times #1 Best selling author and her new book Forgiving What You Can't Forget is powerful!
If you have ever had someone hurt you so deeply you thought what they did was unforgivable, you will want to check out this conversation. Full Disclosure, forgiveness is not easy, and just because the other person may not be sorry, it does not absolve us from forgiving them. However, my hope is that you will find Godly wisdom and some practical steps to start Forgiving What You Can't Forget.
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[tweetthis]"Forgiveness isn't saying what the other person did doesn't matter. Forgiveness flows to us from God. It is God's gift to us to heal our heart." - Lysa Terkeurst[/tweetthis]
Check out more from Lysa here.
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About the Author
Wally is a radio host and social media content creator who's been doing this for over 30 years! “I love to make people laugh with me, but I am self-aware enough to know that most of the time is at me."