Steven Curtis Chapman Shares Hope for When the Holidays Hurt
Posted 4 years ago - Dec 2, 2020
From: WallyIf the holidays are hard for you and peace and joy seem a million miles away, you are not alone. Steven Curtis Chapman and his family are no strangers to loss. They lost their daughter Maria 12 years ago, but Steven says he truly learned the importance of Emmanuel; "God with us" which started at Christmas.
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[tweetthis]"We learned the power and the truth of the words God with us, Emmanuel. I knew it all and had sung all the songs, but it really became real to us that first Christmas without Maria and every one since." - Steven Curtis Chapman[/tweetthis]
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Wally is a radio host and social media content creator who's been doing this for over 30 years! “I love to make people laugh with me, but I am self-aware enough to know that most of the time is at me."