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The Wally Show

Using My Senses

Posted 5 years ago - Aug 6, 2020

From: Betty Rock
Talking to a friend one night, she asked me, “Betty, have you ever heard the audible voice of God? How do you know for sure it’s Him speaking and not just you making things up?” It’s been a few years now since I had that conversation, and still, her question has stuck with me. [tweetthis]Have you ever heard the audible voice of God? [/tweetthis] At 9-years-old, I was saved and then baptized at the little Baptist church my parents raised me in. At that time in my life, I didn’t know how hard life could be and how important creating a foundation on a relationship in Christ would be. 16 years later, I learned that lesson. I was going through a season of high anxiety based on many different changes in my life happening all at once. It sent me into a tailspin, and the only thing that brought me any peace or comfort was my relationship with Christ. The hardest part was manufacturing that solid rock foundation with Him while I was in the midst of the storm. During that time, Matthew 7:24-25 (NLT) hit close to home:
“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock.”
On those difficult nights when I couldn’t sleep or wondered how I would get through the next day, I would get out my Bible and pray for peace. Looking back, it was easy for me to feel like I was forgotten by God, and the lies would scream that belief back at me. I remember one day driving home in tears, bogged down by sadness. Praying for calm in the midst of the storm, stuck in heavy traffic, I heard with my heart God say, “You’re OK! Trust me that you’ll make it out. This is only a season.” While I didn’t hear an audible voice, I was knocked to my core. I heard it with my heart. After that, the storm didn’t stop, but I found peace in the midst of it. I found the ability to keep walking in the midst of darkness. [tweetthis]The storm didn’t stop, but I found peace in the midst of it. I found the ability to keep walking in the midst of darkness.[/tweetthis] I think a lot of us would like to hear God audibly, but ultimately, we come up disappointed. But I’m finding out as I get older that God speaks all around us. It doesn’t take us finding ourselves at rock-bottom to hear Him. He speaks to us daily. A song I heard by a country duo, Joey & Rory, reminded me of this simple truth:
I see Him in the seeds I grow I hear Him in the rooster’s crow I feel Him when my husband’s hand is in mine I taste Him in the meals I make I smell Him in the bread I bake When I look around I don’t have to wonder where He’ll be I see Him in you And I hope you see Him in me
[fluidvideo url=""] Psalm 19:1 (NLT) says “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display His craftmanship.” God speaks through the blessings He’s given us. Now, if I’m ever asked if I’ve heard the voice of God, I can give an emphatic yes! I smell Him when I walk into my parents’ house and Mama is cooking for our family. I feel Him in a friend’s hug when they come over to visit. I hear Him in my Dad’s laugh as we share an inside joke. I know Him in the people He's placed in my life. If you’re feeling forgotten or lost, I’m asking you to look at your surroundings. God is daily proclaiming that He sees you, loves you, and is providing for you. Knowing we are seen, heard, and acknowledged gives us the courage to step out in love and live this life fully.

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