What Christian Movies Mean to Mandisa
Posted 6 years ago - Aug 16, 2019
From: BekahMandisa's song "Overcomer" is featured in the new Kendrick Brothers movie "Overcomer." But their movies meant something to her personally when she was fighting the hardest battle of her life.
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[tweetthis].@MandisaOfficial 's song may be in the new @OvercomerMovie by the @KendrickBros 🤗 But what their movies mean to her is bigger than the plot of any Christian film.. ❤ #wayfm #OvercomerMovie[/tweetthis]
The Kendrick Brothers also told us more about the new movie and their decision to overtly share the gospel in their films. Plus, they competed against Mandisa in a game to find out who the true Christian movie buff is.
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